Tag: collaborative divorce in Orlando

marital asset valuation florida

Marital Asset Valuation Florida

Florida Statute 61.075 is Florida’s equitable distribution statute for marital asset valuation Florida. This Statute tells us a lot about the date for valuations of marital property (assets and debts). Fla. Stat. § 61.075(7) and Morgan v. Morgan, 327 So. 3d 898, 899, (Fla. 2nd DCA 2021), identifies that “equitable distribution of marital assets is a three-step process: (1) identification of marital and nonmarital assets, (2) valuation of marital assets, and (3) distribution of marital assets as statutorily prescribed.” When you need help determining the value of marital assets in Florida, call Jacobs Law Firm at 407-335-8113.

Based on § 61.075(7), Fla. Stat., the Morgan Court “requires that the date for determining which assets and liabilities can be classified as marital assets or liabilities is the earliest of the date the parties entered into a valid separation agreement OR the date the petition for dissolution of marriage was filed. You may want to analyze the values of your real and personal property items as of both dates to conclude which approach is best for your case.

This can be true, but also, in determining the value of marital assets in Florida, “a trial court has significant discretion in determining the date of valuation of marital assets.” Canakaris v. Canakaris, 382 So. 2d 1197 (Fla. 1980)]; Moore v. Moore, 543 So. 2d 252 (Fla. 5th DCA 1989); Szemborski v. Szemborski, 530 So. 2d 361 (Fla. 5th DCA 1988). Further, based on the Statute, the Florida Supreme Court and its DCA progenies have stated the “date for determining the value of marital assets and liabilities is whatever date the trial judge determines is just and equitable under the circumstances. The trial court, in its discretion, may value different assets and liabilities as of different dates as the circumstances require.” This is so important for marital asset valuation in Florida. The Court has judicial discretion and may (subject to challenge) value different property based on different dates if that is what justice so requires in a court of equity.

For example, in Norwood, the Court ruled that the date of separation was the most appropriate for marital asset valuation in Florida. Norwood v. Anapol-Norwood, 931 So. 2d 951, (Fla. 3rd DCA 2006). Careful trial court and litigating attorneys; if different valuation dates are used to achieve equity, there must be substantial justification for the court’s exercise of its discretion. Tritschler, 273 So. 3d at 1165 (quoting Struble v. Struble, 787 So. 2d 48, 50 (Fla. 2d DCA 2001)). McGowan v. McGowan, 344 So. 3d 607, 613, (Fla. 1st DCA 2022). Call Jacobs Family Law Firm at 407-335-8113.

modify divorce decree florida

Modify Divorce Decree Florida

Your Florida divorce case is over…or is it? Does Florida alimony reform 2023 and Senate Bill 1416 allow you to modify alimony? If there is some part of your case you need to change, you can hire us to modify your divorce decree in Florida (generally this is done for your parenting plan) or modify your marital settlement agreement Florida (for the financial awards such as alimony). Modifying a final judgment in Florida comes with a higher burden when your case is being reopened. There are some additional procedural requirements about equitable distribution and child support you need to be aware of that if not followed could lead to your case being dismissed. When you modify a divorce decree, it is best to get it right the first time. In this article, we will discuss some of the common situations where former spouses or former partners seek to change some or all aspects of their parenting plan and/or marital settlement agreement. We also discuss how the unanticipated change in circumstances requirement has been removed. Call child support modification attorney Orlando, and child custody modification Attorney Orlando, Jonathan Jacobs at 407-335-8113.

You are reasonably certain you want to modify divorce decree Florida. Even if Florida alimony reform 2023 is not retroactive prior to cases decided before July 1, 2023, the District Courts of Appeal and Florida Supreme Court will be deciding cases in light of the new alimony reform bill and that could have cascading effects. This may include planning for your retirement. What happens next? The next step is to speak with Jacobs Law Firm. Let us ask about the facts and we can apply case law and statutory law (mixed with our experience) to help you determine if your supplemental petition for modification has a chance of success. It is all about getting past the motion (the motion to dismiss your supplemental petition). You can modify marital settlement agreement Florida by showing there have been what we call substantial change(s) in circumstances. Florida Statutory law formerly required that the Petitioner prove there has been a substantial, material, and unanticipated change in circumstances in order to modify the parties’ Final Judgment. Case law makes it clear this  is an “extraordinary burden.” Now, with the passage of SB 1416, the unanticipated standard has been removed. This may well open the floodgates for litigation.

To modify a divorce decree in Florida it is important to show that circumstances have changed since your case ended (when the final judgment was issued by the Court). It could be that you are involuntarily (we all live in a shifting economy where AI and other market and computer generated forces are changing the way many companies do business) unemployed and that you cannot find the same or a substantially similar job. You may need to take a job to survive on a lesser salary. Should you be obligated to pay the same alimony or child support on a lower salary? At some point your own personal survival and standard of living must be considered. The question is will the court allow you to modify marital settlement agreement Florida by ruling your petition for modification of child support or petition for modification of alimony or timesharing will get past a motion to dismiss. Using experience, writing/drafting skills, and case and statutory law, Attorney Jacobs can help you with your case. Call 407-335-8113 today.

Collaborative Divorce Clermont FL

Collaborative divorce Clermont FL is a newer and in many ways better method/medium for your divorce. Orlando and Clermont collaborative divorce is changing the way that people think of family law. Generally, collaborative fa of non-traditional divorce is cooperation, openness, honesty, and teamwork. After all, with collaborative divorce, there is an entire team at your fingertips to help you and your spouse throughout the entire process. Maybe the toughest part of this type of divorce is agreeing the participate rather than relying on more common methods that can lead to broader conflict. When weighing cost, time, privacy, and all of your options, consider calling Clermont collaborative divorce attorney, Jonathan Jacobs, of the Jacobs Family Law Firm for a thorough review of your case. Dial 407-335-8113 today.

Clermont Collaborative Divorce Attorney

The most common question (usually these terms are discussed after a mutual understanding of all of your needs) when clients ask about collaborative divorce in Orlando and collaborative divorce in Clermont FL is the cost. After all, why invest so much money into a process that does not guarantee a result? The collaborative process is generally more peaceful, upfront, and can lead to a resolution where both spouses feel less slighted and less impacted by the bitterness of the divorce system.

Generally, with collaborative family law, both parties may preserve their financial privacy from the public viewing, but share all aspects of their financial portrait with each other. In fact, it is the financial neutral (an experienced financial planner) that reviews your financial documents and determines several possible outcomes for both spouses to review. The parties themselves drive the process. The Clermont collaborative divorce attorney is there to help his/her client for the duration.

One of the more common complaints people express in a lengthy and contentious divorce is the emotional strain and financial stresses the process causes. Collaborative divorce in Clermont FL is inherently designed to alleviate these issues. There will be a mental health neutral available to both parties to help negotiate any parenting issues, to spot when either party is distraught or distracted, and they may offer support when needed the most. They are a guidepost for those impacted by their circumstances.

Ultimately, when you are searching for a better way to divorce, and you are concerned about the cost of a year long legal battle, you may prefer to seek our a Clermont collaborative divorce attorney. Attorney Jonathan Jacobs can guide you throughout collaborative divorce Orlando and collaborative divorce Clermont FL. Call 407-335-8113 today.

collaborative divorce orlando

Collaborative Divorce Orlando

You need to research collaborative divorce Orlando and how much does collaborative divorce cost near Orlando, FL. Here are some reasons you may need to speak with Jacobs Law Firm about an Orlando collaborative divorce. Orlando is a thriving city. Our tourism and hospitality industries are ever-expanding. The great news is many amazing professionals have relocated here for promotions and to pursue career opportunities. Often, when families move, or one or both spouses achieve career success, schedules can be demanding. Issues can arise and the stressors and strains can lead to a lack of communication and the breakdown of a marriage. When one or both spouses (and/or parents) work long hours, their primary focus may be on their job and kids, which might create a void in your marriage. If divorce in Orlando is absolutely necessary for you and your spouse, consider carefully the impact it may have on your career, finances, and most importantly, on your family. Jonathan Jacobs is a skilled collaborative divorce attorney near Orlando, FL. He is personable, caring, and dedicated to working with family-oriented professionals during their toughest times. Call 407-335-8113 today for the help you need with your collaborative divorce or uncontested divorce.

How Much Does Collaborative Divorce Cost Near Orlando, FL?

How much does collaborative divorce cost near Orlando, FL? Collaborative divorce Orlando may be more affordable than the alternatives. Consider these four factors: 1. Collaborative divorce offers you discretion. Your financial settlement will not be placed on display for others to intrude upon. 2. Collaborative divorce involves at least two collaborative professionals that are neutral in the process. A financial neutral will plan your equitable distribution, and a mental health professional will guide your parenting plan as well as help ensure you and your spouse communicate throughout the process in a meaningful way. 3. In a collaborative divorce, the attorneys must by law disengage once the process succeeds or fails. We may not litigate after representing you in a collaborative divorce. This helps to guide us toward encouraging you to remain true to the process. 4. A collaborative divorce takes place privately and if successful, the spouses make all of the decisions.

orlando collaborative divorce

Orlando Collaborative Divorce

An Orlando collaborative divorce generally starts at approximately $20,000. This is typically paid by both spouses from a retirement or other joint account. Each spouse’s attorney, the mental health professional, and the financial planner typically request a down payment of at least $5,000. Prices can be higher or lower depending on the time you require to finalize your case, and the level of expertise of each professional involved. A collaborative divorce is estimated to take between 5-8 months to complete depending on the level of urgency among the spouses, and the amount of issues involved in a case. When factoring in that a standard contested divorce ranges from $5,000-$10,000 before the parties get to mediation (not counting deposition and trial retainers), the cost of a collaborative divorce may seem even more appealing.

When you are ready to hire a divorce attorney Orlando practicing collaborative law, call Jonathan Jacobs at 407-335-8113. We are here to help YOU.